A UNIQUE DOCUMENT ABOUT THE LIFE OF THE PORTUGUESE PEOPLE – watch the videos on www.michelgiacometti.com or in the books
«There’s an old traditional song from Alentejo, among the many that he heard and recorded here, that goes: I owe to the land / The land owes me / The land will pay me while I’m alive / I’ll pay the land when I die. Michel kept the blurry old soul of this folk that sing their life like they sing their death, as if one means nothing without the other. And that’s why he didn’t pay his debt to the Portuguese land by dying, rather by living in it. (…)
It’s never enough to remind that Michel Giacometti is a Portuguese man who not by chance was once born in Corsica. We have always seen him like that. And we will continue doing so, now that thanks to technology he’s with us once again. Listen to him, watch him, wonder at his work and dedication. If it wasn’t for his stubbornness, what he filmed and recorded would have been lost forever. Giacometti has saved our soul.» NUNO PACHECO in “Público” newspaper.
Michael Giacometti was born to tell stories.
But his are not fiction stories. These are the stories of a long gone nation. Stories documented in the series “Povo que Canta” (9 books + DVD), produced and broadcast by RTP from 1970 and 1974 and directed by Alfredo Tropa; the 2 episodes of the Ethnographics Series “Rio de Onor” e “O Alar da Rede” (book + DVD); “O Ladrão do Sado” (1 Book + 2 CD) and “Uma Longa Militância” (1 book + CD). Shot on the margins of the Zêzere river, one of the movies, “A Mulher da Rosa”, won the main award of the Ethnograpic Festival of Florence (Italy) in 1973.
Editorial text coordination by Paulo Lima.
More than a simple release, “Michel Giacometti – Filmografia Completa” is a true treasure of Portugal’s intangible heritance.